From Puerto Rico To The World
Our mission is to be able to offer the opportunity to all cigars and tobacco brands in Puerto Rico a way to offer their products internationally. We want to regain our position in the tobacco world.
Our dream / Our dream
Welcome to our dream come true. We Gaby "El Chan and Liz, want all the hands that work the tobacco leaf in our country to have the same opportunity to expose their products. La Hoja Del Chan, we call it that because since we cultivate part of our product we want at some point to be able to supply the WORLD with our native Tobacco Leaf, which with great pride carries each of El Chan Cigars and Galiz Sweets Cigars. This pride that we feel we are sure is the same pride of all those who work the tobacco leaf and for this they deserve a portal that represents them. Thank you for supporting our country. WE WILL RESIST #SOMOSLARESISTENCIA